September 30, 2007


On Monday evening at 7:30, the Forks Zoning Hearing Board will meet to discuss primarily KMRD's request that further hearings be continued.  Of all the meetings on this issue, this one is the most important one to attend because what will happen will set the course for future development in Forks.

Be there because you will have an opportunity to hear firsthand what is happening and to voice your opinion at the appropriate time.

Don't wait until Tuesday to read about what happened.  This is not the time to be a Tuesday morning quarterback.


Anonymous said...

This is soooo right. If I'm reading about it on Tuesday and I wasn't there Monday night, it's too late! I get it. Thank you. I'll be there.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss it. Nothing good comes out of compromise with developers. They won't live here because they never live where they make their money. Finish the suit, fight to the death.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't miss it. Nothing good comes out of compromise with developers. They won't live here because they never live where they make their money. Finish the suit, fight to the death.

Anonymous said...

The Zoning Hearing Board is our last line of defense against over development in the township.
Mr. Egolf, you and the other Zoning memebrs are our last chance against developers and the Supervisors. Keep the hearings going and resist their demands for a" time out".