November 03, 2007

VOTE for EXPERIENCE on Tuesday

Experience is the key word in the up-coming election for Forks Supervisors.

As assistant chairman of the Forks Zoning Hearing Board, I have dealt head on with key issues that affect the future of our township.

At present, the Zoning Hearing Board is hearing the KMRD case. This case is now in its second year before the zoning hearing board. Last month I made the motion to deny KMRD’s request for a continuance—a request that would have halted the hearing indefinitely. My motion passed unanimously.

My years on the Forks Zoning Hearing Board give me invaluable experience that I will carry with me as a Forks Supervisor.

Also, as chairman of the Transportation Committee, I worked with other Forks citizens who realize how rapidly our township is growing. We researched and studied our township’s infrastructure and proposed significant recommendations to be included in our new Comprehensive Plan.

Forks is the second fastest developing community in Pennsylvania. As a supervisor, I will have the necessary experience and know-how to handle this type of growth.

I will apply my experience when I must make important decisions that affect our township.

Your vote for me will be a vote for a secure Forks Township where past unbridled growth will be replaced by balanced growth and better decisions.

On Tuesday, November 6, please vote for me—Bob Egolf.

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